rafting equipment
Activities in white water rafting (rafting), helmets are also mandatory equipment that should not be worn when not MUST do rafting.
So if the same helmet with the helmet that is used at the time you ride a motorcycle? not clear. Helmets for white water rafting should be in accordance with standard safety procedure for this high-risk activities.There are boat without a paddle (Paddle) certainly can not berarung cascade. so the equipment must then work for the Paddle boat movement forward, backward and field-a very important maneuver is done to minimize its risks while choosing the path most fun to be forded.Equipment is essential in the white water rafting. Safety in addition to depending on a rafter of mental and physical is also very dependent on the equipment used. In general, equipment can be divided in two categories yitu equipment required and additional equipment.
To major tourist attractions, Paddle commonly used type of paddle is made of aluminum and bilahnya (blade) made of plastic. Paddle on the rod so that there is a hollow space when the Paddle released at the time pengarungan, Paddle will still float on the surface of water.
Besides, the paddle is used to cascade berarung must also be strong (not easily broken) because the row, charm Rafter will be used contrary to the water. Not infrequently, Paddle will also collide with the rocks in the river and the paddle can be bent or broken.
In selecting a suitable Paddle to someone, usually Rafter use benchmarks as the eye. To do so, we stand upright and place it in front of the Paddle perpendicularly from the surface and the size of an ideal that is at our eyes. Paddle length of this will affect the effective dayungan or not we are doing. if too long, then the energy will be spent more and more because most of the blade will be in surface water. Conversely, when the Paddle is too short, then the rate will not be up to the boat because most of the blade is in the top surface of the water. How to choose the exclusion of the paddle to be used by Captain (Skipper), which served to provide command and direct the boat. Special to Skipper, the paddle is used more normal position because of the length of the skipper in the stern and somewhat mencuat water to the surface so that the coverage should be more paddel long.
In addition to paddle, Paddle's also safe for the rescue when trouble occurs in pengarungan. When terlempar of the boat, the Paddle can be used to indicate the existence of our way and dilambaikan raised above the surface of the water. Therefore, Paddle usually colored bright as yellow, Orange, Black and so is very light at the time in the River.
Paddle can also be used to help Rafter who terlempar with mengulurkannya way to go paddle in jangkau.Lebih also functions as a hint that further investigation will be in my next article.
Currently many different types of circulating paddle with brand Carlisle, Manta Ray, Sawyer and many other foreign-made brands. Price is usually offered a range of Rp 200 thousand s / d Rp 800 thousand per unit.
Rubber boats
Without a boat, can berarungjeram impossible, is clear. Because the white water rafting or the international Festival is derived from a word that means the rubber raft. So to berarung cascade, the rubber boat should have.
Rubber boat that also can not be used recklessly. Must be a really special boat designed for white water rafting where the hole to remove the water which is called self-bailing. At the time of passing through rapid, automatic water into the boat. Formerly, found before the system is self bailing, the water must be removed using a tool such gayuh, this course will be making. While in the modern rubber boat, the boat is equipped with a hole in the edge of the boat floor. Floor because the boat is also filled with air and is located on the surface of water, automatic water out with the entry itself so pengarungan can still proceed.
In addition, the rubber boats used must also be elastic in order to pass obstacles at the time the boat will not get caught (wrap). Boat is also equipped with a septum-septum so that when the leak occurred on the one hand, the boat can still be managed as part of another is not necessarily a leak also.
In addition to the mandatory equipment, rubber boat is also very convenient in determining berarung cascade. For a flexible material, ideal to use for a standing wave melibas high because of the boat will adjust the form of waves and not easily reversed. Kelemahannya However, the boat will be more difficult to bermanuver. While for the more sprightly maneuver, use of a more hard pack or with the wind filling the boat.
Currently, there are many different brands such as Avon rubber boat, Enviro, zodiac, Columbus, etc. Boogie. Which is usually used for rapid berarung is a rubber boat with a long range 8 - 12 feet.
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